MDRO Network: Here you can visualize data from studies performed as part of the Multi-Drug Resistant Organism (MDRO) Network. The MDRO Network is supported by the Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group (ARLG).

Instructions: Data are displayed as circular plots with each track representing the total number of bacterial isolates that matched the selected characteristics. Each colored rectangle in the track represents an individual strain. The total number of strains per track is provided in tables below the figure.

Inputs for Building Figure

Step 1: Select Bacteria

Step 2: Select Track Variables

First (Inner Track) to Last (Outer Track)
Click inside the box to select variables. When adding or deleting a variable, first position the cursor using the arrow keys
Step 3: Subset Strains by Inner Track

To Subset: Phylogeny checkbox must be not checked

(Larger figures may take longer to load)

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Figure Legends


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R packages used to build figure: shiny, shinydashboard, shinyWidgets, shinythemes, shinycssloaders, circlize, ape, phytools, dendextend, dendsort, rlang, kableExtra, data.table, dplyr